Records and Rankings

Club Records

We think we have a pretty impressive set of club records.  Check them out!
Current to April 28, 2024 (2024 Masters Provincials).

Individual Records

Sorting and Filtering Club Records

EMSC Relay records

Provincial, National and World Records

Provincial Records (Open this page, then look for the “Records” section)

National Records

World Records

National and International Rankings

Top 20 National Rankings

International Rankings (Open this page, then look for the “Rankings” heading)

Record Application Procedures

If you notice that a club record hasn’t been updated correctly, please send an email to and we’ll get it fixed!

Swim Alberta is supposed to directly identify and update all masters provincial records set at competitions in Alberta and at the Canadian Masters Swimming Championships. However, if you break a record outside of Alberta, or if you just want to make sure that Swim Alberta is aware of your new record(s), please complete the Alberta Masters Provincial Record Application Form.

Meet Managers must submit national record applications within 7 days of the performance. Therefore, if you set a Canadian record, please work with meet management to ensure that the Canadian Record Application Procedure is followed.